Debian 5.0

The latest release of Debian 5.0 has released not long ago. If you have heard of Ubuntu, but not Debian, then it is time that you start getting yourself familiar with this Operating System (OS). Similar to Ubuntu and other Linux OS, Debian is a free OS for your computer, and uses the Linux kernel (which is the core of an OS). In Debian, there over 25,113 packages, precomplied software bundled up in a nice format for easy installation. What is more interesting is that, Ubuntu, widely used and popular Linux OS, is built on Debian OS platform.

Amongst all the Linux OS, Debian is one of those that I would fully recommend to everyone to use it. However, the level of usage could considerably meant for those who are advanced level and prefer to drill down to the low level configuration to get the system up and running. Once it is operational, it is a perfect OS to run servers and even desktops.

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