Gimp 2.6.4 Released

Introducing another sophisticated paint and photo-editing program - GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) - the next version 2.6.4 has just been released. There are several bug fixes over the previous version.

Gimp shares several similarities with Adobe Photoshop, but the most apparent differences between the two is that the latter is a paid version, whilst the former is made available publicly as an open-source program.

In saying so, it simply means that what you can do in Photoshop are likely to be the things that you can do with GIMP, including complicated image filtering, lighting effects, etc.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

* – Perspective transformation jagged edges / comb effect
* – jpg save dialog: “cancel” is treated like “commit” for settings
* – Using clone tool on a layer with a part out of canvas causes crashes
* – crash when the drawable is changed while a color tool is active
* – GIMP crashes on selecting Tools->GEGL operation
* – python-fu-foggify does not check if image is in rgb mode
* – Hue selection mode does not cross the 0-360 degrees line
* – Scrollbars not resized when we extend the canvas size
* – PF_PALETTE: ‘TypeError’ when used in a plugin that is registered in
* – Compilation with –as-needed
* – PF_SLIDER and PF_SPINNER ‘Step’ values do not change consistently…
* – Default image dimensions are not correctly transferred in the file/new dialog box
* – GIMP can’t save to mounted filesystem if file exists

Download Gimp From Here!